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Feixian County Yinguang magnesium industry unveiled the seventieth session of the International Magn
Time:2015-12-28    Source:    Views:18989

May 20th, the seventieth International Magnesium Industry Conference held in Xi'an, from the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Korea and other countries and regions, more than 30 countries and regions, representing the world's leading magnesium production, research and development, trade and downstream application level of magnesium industry more than 700 representatives of the ancient city of qi. Vice governor Li Jinzhu attended the meeting and delivered a speech.
The general assembly in order to strengthen international and regional exchanges and cooperation, promote scientific development and harmonious development as the theme, by the people's Government of Shaanxi Province, China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association magnesium branch, the international magnesium association.
On the occasion of the first domestic magnesium and magnesium alloy products based electronic trading platform, Shaanxi Province, the official launch of magnesium metal e-commerce center.
During the meeting, the country's magnesium industry experts around the magnesium industry and the sustainable development of the market, such as the theme of the exchange of views and opinions. The exhibition focused on the production of magnesium products, technology and equipment, the global magnesium enterprises to attend the direct and magnesium products suppliers, research and development institutions to exchange.
To participate in the meeting of the international magnesium industry association chairman Kena, China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association executive vice president Ren Xudong, the general assembly by the Shaanxi Provincial People's government deputy secretary general Zhang Zongke presided over. At the end of the meeting, vice governor Li Jinzhu visited the exhibition.

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Addr:Shandong province Feixian  Tel:0539-5066110    
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